101 Speight Street
Havelock, NC 28532
CALL US: 252-665-8999
Email: info@kidzchoicelearning.com
As their children’s first teachers, parents have an amazing opportunity to nurture the growth and development of their child’s education. Many parents want to be involved in their child’s education. However, they often face obstacles and find it difficult to engage in the school experience. They are often perplexed, and many have little understanding of child development or developmentally appropriate practices. They wanted to help their child, but they didn't know how. They often arrived at their first parent-teacher conference to find themselves bombarded with unfamiliar educational concepts.
Families with limited resources may experience even greater isolation from their children’s educational community. Many have had negative school experiences themselves, which may make them apprehensive about coming to the school or interacting with teachers. Some may hesitate to speak to educators because of a lack of confidence, out of respect for the teacher’s authority, or because they have been discouraged in such interactions in the past. It can be intimidating for parents, even when teachers have the best of intentions. This may push parents further away and discourage their participation.
When parents do not feel comfortable in the school setting, they are less likely to support and participate in school events or speak to their child’s teacher about their concerns or goals for their child. Everyone misses out on valuable opportunities to strengthen the family-partnership connection. Working closely with parents is an essential part of teaching children, but it required a different skill set along with a significant commitment of time. Through their experiences in our programs, parents gain skills in supporting their child’s learning, learn what to expect from their child’s school, and become comfortable working with teachers. Research have shown that parent partnership programs helps to improve children’s readiness for school, classroom behavior and attendance, and academic performance.
In addition, parent partnership programs gives opportunities for parents to spend more time with their children. It motivates and encourage parents to take a more active role in their child’s education. Teachers report better participation from parents. To help them become meaningfully engaged in their child’s education and school experience, we have to help them develop the tools to do so. With guidance and support, parents can confidently take on their role as their child’s first teacher and biggest advocate and become partners with teachers. It’s a powerful connection that can make all the difference for children, parents, and educators.
To truly serve families, and create parent partnership program we must start from a point of creating a culture of respect, inclusion and equity, a critical foundation for all parent-engagement strategies. There are four key areas we will target to effectively engage parents. These four areas represent critical facets of parent partnership and ensuring our goals to better serve parents.

At Kidz Choice we take the safety of your child very seriously!
At Kidz Choice Learning center we recognize that education is important, but nothing matters more than the safety and security of your child. We make every effort to maintain a safe and clean learning environment. All staff members will be required to have first aid and CPR training. Staff will also receive ongoing emergency preparedness training, this will include but not limited to fire drills, severe weather drills. Intruder alerts protocols will be set in place for staff and students. We follow childcare rules and regulations. Teachers are required to have criminal background checks before hire date. Safety and supervision on playground will be an ongoing training. Staff will also be required to follow vehicles safety rules. Each vehicle will be equipped with safety mechanisms to ensure the child's safety on and off the bus. The center is equipped with safety doors and a keypad entry system.

They specifically address how the organization should set goals to improve practices and policies and truly engage with parents as key partners:
1. Build a program that seek out partners to address the needs of children and their parents — a whole-family approach including respect and inclusion will help shape all of the work we do with families.
2. Coaches parents on their competence and confidence in their roles, working with parents instead of simply imparting information, and communicating and work together with them in ways that build their confidence in their ability to address challenges themselves.
3. Offer workshops trainings and learning opportunities for parents and caregivers, thus giving them the necessary skills and confidence to make informed, life changing decisions.
4. Works with other organizations and communities to benefit parents by not only helping parents navigate the system but also coordinating and collaborating with other organizations and government agencies to streamline programs and services and maximize the resources we have for families.